Exchanges & Returns
If you are at this page, you have the wrong sized item and you would like to return it for exchange or refund.
Please check below that your item is eligible for return and then follow the process as shown. Only items that are returned according to this process will be accepted. Note that Personalised items cannot be returned.
Returns Timeline
Customers have 14 days to request a Return or Exchange, beginning the day after the order is received, and then 14 days in which to return the physical item(s) to us.
Your item must be in the same condition you received it in - which means unworn, unwashed and with any tags still in place (if fitted). Please ensure your return packaging protects the item(s) from potential water damage in transit.
If your request is for the same item in a different size, please make use of our Sizing Guide to ensure any replacement is the correct fit. If possible, we recommend measuring an existing garment of the same type that you are confident it will be a good fit for the recipient.
Important - Use a Tracked Delivery
You are responsible for the cost of the return. Please use a recorded or trackable service to return your item(s) because we cannot be responsible for item(s) not received. We'd suggest Royal Mail, who offer several tracked options for returning your item(s). Note that it's cheaper to book your postage online.
Royal Mail also offers the option to collect items from your home without additional charge, and they will even bring a pre-printed postage label if you request it at the time of booking. Just pop the label on when they arrive at the door, and you're good to go!
Once the returned items are received and checked, we will let you know straight away and process your exchange or refund. Refunds are for the cost of the item only, and will not include the outgoing postage costs.
Return Address - Please send the your eligible item(s) to:
Vanwear UK Returns
60 Oxfield Park Dr.
Old Stratford
MK19 6DP
Finally, it's always helpful if you can email us and confirm the day you dispatch the package please, because we know to look out for it!
See our full Returns Policy here for additional information,